Commemorative Bricks

Commemorative bricks will be installed at the base of the Estates West entrance sign located at Spring Creek and Arapaho Road. The donation amount is $250 and will cover the cost of purchasing, engraving, and installing each commemorative brick(s). Each brick will contain a preferred inscription on a 4” x 8” size brick with 3 lines and up to 20 spaces per line. 

To place your order for a brick please follow this link: 

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Sponsor a Plant

These plants will be an important element in the beautification of our neighborhood. Your $100 donation will be used to purchase a shrub or other plant(s) to beautify the Arapaho strip, or one of the entrance signs into Estates West.

To sponsor a plant, please complete this form.




Cash contributions are encouraged and can be made by check payable to the Estates West Neighborhood Association - please complete this form to submit with your check. Contributions can also be made via Zelle using and indicate donation in memo.


Go Fund Me

Contributions to EWNA for the revitalization and maintenance of the Arapaho strip and beautification efforts throughout our Estates West community is available via GoFundMe. The association’s Go Fund Me goal is $9,000. Go to