In 2022, the EWNA board formed the “Arapaho Strip Task Force consisting of 13 EWNA member volunteers. The Task Force was charged with providing an analysis of the current state of the strip and develop go/no go recommendations for the board and membership to consider regarding revitalization. EWNA members were surveyed to gauge their support for revitalization of the strip and a large majority approved of the task force plan which included renewing the Momentum Agreement with the city and revitalizing the strip for an estimated cost of $26,000. 


Work that needs to be completed:

- Trim all shrubs to a height of 6’ with anticipated growth to 8’.

- Remove undergrowth and plantings outside of the metal edging.

- Trim or remove shrubs on the east & west end to comply with City of Dallas visibility requirements & maximum height of 3’ and 40’ from corners.

- Make repairs/upgrade to irrigation system.

- Remove plantings behind Spring Creek/Arapaho entrance sign 15’ from the west end of sign. Remove plantings on west end of the strip 15’ from corner of Arapaho & La Avenida.

- Install xeriscape perennial plantings (i.e., Red Yucca’s, Ornamental Grasses, Texas Sage, etc.) in a base of crushed granite, 2-3 boulders around sign on east end, and on the west end of the strip.

- Remove and replace an estimated 20 dead shrubs with selected replacement shrubs adapted to our Texas climate.

- Install 50 – 75 commemorative bricks around entrance signs at the corner of Spring Creek and Arapaho. The bricks will be set in a sand base surrounded by metal edging.

- Remove and replace an estimated 30 additional shrubs along the strip that are not viable in the North Texas climate and those that are not consistent with the desired look.



 For donation opportunities please see the Fundraising page.